Money View Credit Card Apply Now : Friends, in today’s time, you all must know that how important money is in our life. Today nothing can happen without money, we need money for every small thing like friends, we need money for food, to buy new clothes, money to buy some things, school or college. Money is needed to pay the fees, to buy a new house, to pay the rent of the house and many other small expenses keep happening. In such a situation, friends, we get very upset, we do not understand anything, what to do now, where will the money come from. Friends, many times it happens that we think that friends borrow from any of our friends, but friends, in today’s time, you all know that no one is happy by giving money, so friends, now you all are thinking too. Where will the money come from? If friends tell all of you that after today money will always be in your pocket. You will not have any need to raise your hand in front of anyone, now all of you must also be thinking that how will this happen, so friends, I would like to tell all of you about the credit card, many of you would already know about it. Helps us a lot in difficult times, if you have a credit card, then there is no need to raise your hand in front of how, today I am going to tell you about a credit card which is completely new and different, yes friends. Today, I will tell you all about the MoneyView Platinum Credit Card coming from Money View, how you can apply for Money View Credit Card, who can take Money View Credit Card, Money View Credit What documents will be required to take the card, what percentage of interest will have to be paid on MoneyView Credit Card, up to how much limit will be available in Money View Credit Card, where can I use Money View Credit Card? All of you are going to know all this today through this post, so let’s know.
Money View Loan App Review?
What is MoneyView Platinum Credit Card?
Friends, now let us talk about what is this MoneyView Platinum Credit Card? Friends, I would like to tell all of you that Money View has recently launched its own credit card. MoneyView Credit Card is typed by SBM Bank and powered by VISA.
How much limit will be available in MoneyView Credit Card?
Friends, whenever we go to apply for a credit card, what is most important in that is the limit up to how much money we are getting in that card, if I talk to friends here about Money iew Credit Card, then in this you will get The limit is available from Rs.10,000 to Rs.5,00,000.
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Who can take Money View Credit Card?
- You must be a Salaried or Self-employed.
- Your monthly income should be at least Rs 13,500.
- Your monthly earnings should come in your bank account.
- Your civil score should be at least 650.
- Your age should be minimum 21 years and maximum 57 years.
- You must be a citizen of India.
What documents will be required to take MoneyView Credit Card?
- Identity Proof (PAN Card और Aadhar Card)
- Address Proof
- Bank Statement In PDF Format
Why take MoneyView Credit Card?
- From here you will know immediately whether you will get a credit card or not.
- In this you need minimum documents.
- Even if you have a low credit score, then you will easily get a credit card from here.
- You can apply for a credit card from anywhere in the country.
- In this you are given EMI free credit card.
- In this you have to pay minimum interest.
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How to get Money View Credit Card?
- First of all, you have to download Money View Loan App from Google Play Store or App Store.
- After that you have to enter your email.
- After that you have to register it by entering your mobile number.
- After this you have to enter some of your basic information in it.
- After this you have to choose your loan amount.
- After that you have to upload your documents in it.
- After this you have to enter your bank account information in it.
- After this your credit card application will go to the review.
- After this your credit card will be approved.
- After this you will get your credit card.
Apply Money View Credit Card
Friends, in today’s post, you have learned that how can you apply for MoneyView Credit Card, who can take Money View Credit Card, what documents will be required to take Money View Credit Card, How much interest will have to be paid on Money View Credit Card, how much limit will be available in MoneyView Credit Card, where you can use Money View Credit Card, all this you have to go through this post today, if your If any question is left in your mind, then if any question is left in your mind, then you can ask us by commenting. Friends, if you like the information given by us, then definitely share it with your friends. Friends, heartfelt thanks to all of you for taking out a little time out of your precious time to read this post till here.
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