SBI Simply Click Credit Card Apply Online : Friends, in today’s time, everyone is engaged in earning money, do you know that along with earning money, saving money is also very important, but many of us are not able to do this because in this increasing inflation, our expenses. Yes, it is also increasing. In today’s time, our work will not be done in the amount we earn for the month because in today’s time we have to pay house rent, school fees or college fees of children, take food items, buy new clothes and many more. All are small jobs. Friends, if you want that you always have money, if you do not have money at a time and it is better to ask others to always have money in your pocket, then friends, all this can happen only when you have a credit card. Because friends, you are given a limit in the credit card, you can use it anytime anywhere and today the name of the bank whose credit card I am going to tell you about is SBI and a credit card comes from its side. The name is SBI Credit Card. Friends, today you all know in the post what is SBI Credit Card, how to get SBI Credit Card, what are the benefits of taking SBI Credit Card, what is the limit up to Rs. What are the fees and charges of SBI Credit Card, who can apply for SBI Credit Card, what documents will be required to take SBI Credit Card. Everything you are going to know in this post today, so let’s know.
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What is SBI Simply Click Credit Card?
Friends, it would have been a kind of credit card like everyone else, but if you do a lot of shopping, then this credit card is made only for you people. This credit card was launched by SBI and today lakhs of people have this credit card. Friends, if you shop anywhere using SBI Simply Click Credit Card, then you will get to see many benefits.
What are the benefits of SBI Simply Click Credit Card?
- Friends, the first advantage of SBI Simply Click Credit Card is that as soon as you get this credit card made, you get an Amazon voucher of Rs 500 from SBI Card as soon as the card is made. Using this, you can take any item from Amazon which costs up to Rs.500.
- If you shop from any online shoppling website using this card, then you will get 10 reward points for every 100 and the same friends, if you use it offline anywhere, then you get 1 reward point for 100 rupees. The cost of this reward point is Rs 2.5 for 10 reward points. You can also take any voucher or any item from this reward point.
- If you do a transaction of up to Rs 1 lakh within a year using this card, then you get an e voucher up to Rs 2 thousand which you can use at Cleartrip.
- If you do a transaction of up to Rs 1 lakh on this card within a year, then your fee every year is Rs 499 for this card, it is returned to you i.e. it is waived.
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Who can take SBI Simply Click Credit Card?
- You must be a citizen of India.
- Your age should be minimum 21 years and maximum 65 years.
- You must have a source of earning every month.
What are the documents required for SBI Simply Click Credit Card?
- Proof of Identity (PAN Card, Aadhar Card, Driving License, Passport, Voter’s ID) you will have to give any one of these.
- Proof of Address (PAN Card, Aadhar Card, Driving License, Passport, Voter’s ID) you will have to give any one of these.
- Proof of Income (Latest One or 2 Salary Slip, Latest Form 1, Last 3 Months’ Bank Statement) you will have to pay any one of these.
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What is the fee for SBI Simply Click Credit Card?
- While taking this card, you will have to pay Rs 499.
- After taking this card, you will also have to pay Rs 499 every year.
- If you do a transaction of up to Rs 1 lakh on this card within a year, then your fee every year is Rs 499 for this card, it is returned to you i.e. it is waived.
SBI Simply Click Credit Card | Features, Benefits, Apply Online, Uses, Charges, Amazon Gift Voucher
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SBI Simply Click Credit Card Online Apply | How to get SBI Simply Click Credit Card?
- First of all you have to go to SBI website.
- After this you have to search SBI Simply Click Credit Card there.
- After that you have to enter your email.
- After this you have to register through OTP by entering your mobile number.
- After that you have to enter your basic information in it.
- After this you have to put your work information inside it.
- After this you have to tell how much you earn every year and every month.
- After this your application will go to the review.
- After this you will get a call from SBI.
- After this, if everything goes well then your card is approved.
- After this you will get the card at your home within 15 days.
- After that you can use this card.
Friends, in today’s post, all of you have learned what is SBI Simply Click Credit Card, how to get SBI Simply Click Credit Card, what are the benefits of taking SBI Simply Click Credit Card, how much money you get in SBI Credit Card. What are the fees and charges of SBI Credit Card, who can apply for SBI Credit Card, what documents are required to take SBI Credit Card All this will be needed, today all of you have to go through this post, if you have any question left in your mind, then you can ask us by commenting below. Friends, if you like the information given by us, then definitely share it with your friends. Friends, heartfelt thanks to all of you for giving a little bit of your precious time.
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